Sunday, 9 January 2011

Prototype for new bracelet design.

Over Christmas I had a lot of time on my hands.  We were all under the weather but myself, less so, than the rest of the family.  So I did what I do when slightly bored, I got all my lampworking books out, I browsed the internet endlessly and I made beads. 

It was at this time that I realised that I strive to make complicated beads (with varying degrees of success or failure) using what can be quite involved techniques, when in actual fact the beads that I like to look at most are relatively simple.  This dawning led me to make a set of non-matching beads, yes a non-set really, themed on colour and contrast. 

An internet splurge with Christmas money (thanks Dad), had seen the book 'Bead on a Wire' by Sharilyn Miller, land on the doormat.  This coupled with said non-set of beads gave rise to one of my favourite pieces of jewellery of 2010.  I know that this is a design I want to explore further and so with optimism, I look forward to the creative possibilities of the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Wow gorgeous! I would really love to see these Designer Bracelets in silver, maybe also that kind of colored titanium you get? Very nice indeed.
